The Unveiling
Mid Hematite, 267, Early Summer
I led the soldiers to the Great Hall for some much needed rest. We had been fighting weeks with little sleep and drink. Thankfully, our glorious defense without a single loss of life made spirits high, and the Great Hall was filled with songs celebrating our victory, both the old and the newest. The only face that wasn’t jubilant was the one that now approached; Vox Nihili strode purposefully up and saluted.
“Come, there is always time for formalities, but now is the time to rest and be happy!”
“I’m sorry, Overseer, but I have urgent news.”
“Could it not wait for the next council? I know I missed the first of the month, but I’m sure you understand we were busy. I’ll arrange one as soon as can be permitted.”
He scowled. “No, this is too important. You wanted information on the traitor, right?”
I tried to wave the matter away. “If it really can’t wait I suggest you take it up with Captain of the Guard Boing. She is head of security, after all.”
He turned and spat on the floor. “You know how I feel about her.”
“We’re all overseers. We may not always agree with one another, but we should respect each other. I hold both you and Boing in high regard.” Vox growled in response. I turned back to my cradled mug. “No matter. If you’d rather trust me with your information, let me have it.”
“It’s about the tower.”
My eyebrows arched. “Oh, really?”
“Bad Munki was not the only one hiding there. I learned that Pozzo also spends her time up there.” Vox stared at my face expectantly.
“And she’s been dead for years. Do you not remember? She died while I was Praetor. You were part of the squad that tried to rescue her. You were too late.”
I felt my face flesh grow cold. “No. I don’t remember. But what you say is very troubling. I’ll bring the matter to the council.”
“I’d prefer it if you put your axe to her. The dead shouldn’t be snooping about.” Vox Nihili turned and marched away.
As soon as he disappeared, I felt a wad of paper being stuffed into my hands. Boing then whispered into my ear, “This is for your eyes only. Make sure you read it in a secure location. They are always watching. You know they are about when you hear a hiss of steam. Destroy it when you are done.” Without turning, I reached out and shook her pauldron to show my understanding.
When her footsteps faded back into the din of song, I unfurled the note.
No. We were better than that. We meet our enemies on the field honorably. I crumpled the note and tossed it into the slop bucket. I turned back to boisterous soldiers, they were swaying in unison, my guess on their eighth round of both song and drink. Across from me, though, Nimby and LCQC were locked in a passionate argument.
LCQC raised his axe. “This is the most dwarven weapon! It cuts down the elves as well as it cuts down their trees!”
Nimby slammed her mug and a spray of beer flew across the table. “Nay, the hammer is the most dwarven! It crushes their skulls and crafts our arms and armor!”
My heart filled with warmth at such a thorough examination of our people’s culture. However, a new recruit, Breadmaster, stumbled between them. I could tell from the shape of his arms that his profession at peace was turning the pumps.
“Ney, the hemmer end exe be fen, bet ere bet the teels ef men.” He paused, and brought his goblet to his chin. More ale poured down his beard than into his mouth. Nimby and LCQC turned to me, obviously anxious as how to react. I smiled and nodded, as I knew in such states wisdom proceeds from a dwarf.
“Ney, the treh weepen ef the dwerv es the lehveh. Et berns ehl en ets wey, end ferms the reck epen ell stend.”
My eyes grew round at this insight. “Nimby!”
“Yes, sir?”
“Fetch the architect Markus immediately. LCQC?”
“Retrieve the communications from that bucket.”
“Why does brave RZApublican lay in the field despite my explicit orders?” I bellow at the nearest dwarf. I threw my helmet at him just to make sure he understood how angry I was.
“B-b-but where could we take h-h-him?” stammered the whelp.
“Dumb-as-a-troll, to the hospital of course!”
“The hospital is full…”

Our tiny hospital was indeed full, not with the sick, but with the lazy and the roomless.
“Well place him with Commatoes for now, then! I don’t care, just get him in here!”

The nobles were gathered outside the council room. When they spotted me, they readily made their annoyance apparent.
“Why are the doors locked?”
“I want to sit down.”
“What the hell is covering the wall?”
“What’s your angle, Minty?”
I smiled and shook their hands in turn. “Do not fret. I just didn’t want you to miss this. A visual example of our society I had commissioned, to remind and inspire all dwarves.” I pulled the pig tail cloth away, revealing the huge mural stretching between the two doors.

A great coat of arms loomed before us. At the top of the heater shield was emblazed a crowned eye. Ringing the base of the eye was a collection of smaller shields. Below these shields brandished a great sword clutched by a muscular arm.
Upon stepping closer to the engraving, fine details revealed themselves. Within the arm were various images of toiling peasants, bent back farmers, brewers carrying barrels, smiths striking anvils.

In the blade was engraved armored dwarves carrying hammers, axes, swords, shields, and crossbows, striking down their enemies.

Upon the escutcheons were various charges: a crowned gear, an axe below a balance, a great gem, three knives above a cowering elf, a man in golden armor, a brush, axes surrounding a wheel, a series of bars, a muscular arm in silver, and finally a pulley with a compass facing east. There were several blank shields as well.
“For the growth of our society,” I explained.
When all the council was seated, I stood and spoke.
“Welcome to the third meeting of the Counsel of Will. I apologize for the delay in commencement, but I’m sure you understand we were busy dealing with the elven nuisance. There won’t be much news, as I’m afraid I was busy smashing their attack all last month. However, there are still a couple of items on the agenda. First, Boing came to me with a proposal to harvest our forge flames for destruction as well as for creation.” Boing looked at me as if I had revealed a dreadful secret. “Erm, well, I have made orders to Markus to draw up plans."
"Second, it has come to my attention that our health care is in a dreadful state. Since a healthy body is a strong and able body, I propose we expand and modernize our sick rooms."
"Finally, it has come to my attention that a certain dwarf who calls herself Pozzo walks our halls. Unfortunately, Pozzo has been dead for quite some time. I will leave it to you to ponder how we shall approach this come the next meeting, however, I’m afraid I currently have urgent business I need to attend to. Is there any more news or suggestions before I bring this meeting to a clo-“
“Wait, I have something!” Markus sprung up.
I was shocked. “Oh… really? Well, what is it?”
He stared down into the table. “Well, it’s about that whole crocodile incident. For our protection, I think you should increase the city guard.”
Boing jumped up. “I second!”
Markus continued, “And I think you should have them patrol the halls to make sure they’re safe.”
“I disagree!” cried Boing.
“Hmm, yes, I see what you mean.” I pulled on my beard. “I’ll look into the mat-“
Just then one of my soldiers burst into the room.
“What is it?”
“RZA… goblins!”

Pozzo wrote :-
Fucking finally you goddamned noticed

1. bOOZE
2. Fake DeTh
3. mORe booze
4. MURder those gODDAmn spiders
4. FaKE whats-his-names deff (IMPORTNT!!! REMMBER TO DO THIS)
5. FiNd replacement GANG meMBERS
4. Ummm... this parT later
7. wait